Imo Slewing Ring
IMO Ball and Roller Slewing Ringsas well as IMO Slew Drives are qualityproducts made in Gremsdorf, Germanyand distributed worldwide.The IMO Group with headquarterslocated in the south of Germany hasmore than 25 years of experience indesigning and manufacturing SlewingRings and Slew Drives. We are certified according to thestandards DIN EN ISO 9001, 14001and BS OHSAS 18001.Several times, 1MO has achieved awardsfor its product innovations at Exhibitionsfor ldeas-lnvention-New Products. Inour sector we are one of the leadingsuppliers.
Depending on the application and type, large dia-meter IMO Slewing Rings can be up to 6 metersin diameter and weigh more than 20 tons.
They are used for various appplications, includingconstruction machinery, agriculture & forestry,tunneling & mining, ship buildung, conveyor &transportation systems, and medical technology.Additionally, IMO is a leading supplier of blade,yaw, and main bearing for on- and offshore windturbines, and even provides blade bearings for tidalstream systems.
Worm or pinion driven IMO Slew Drives consistof a ball or roller slewing ring, a drive train, and acompletely enclosed and sealed housing.
These convenient, ready-to-insall systems canreplace complex systems with multiple parts toreduce design and assembly time.
They are used around the world for steering inequipment such as gantry cranes and heavy-dutytransporters, as well as for rotating, tilting, andpositioning in machinery, including constructionequipment and slew drilling rigs.
IMO Slew Drives are also used within the renewa-ble energy industry in small wind turbines, solartrackers, and solar thermal tower plants.

- Mobile Crane Slew Ring /Double-Row Ball Slewing Bearing
- 1 pcs
- Negotiable

- LDB CRBC5013 Cross Roller Bearing
- CRBC5013

- Four Point slewing bearings without gear special 9O-1B32-0474-1181
- 9O-1B32-0474-1181
- 1 pcs

- crossed roller bearing for Robotic RU228 UUCCO
- RU228
- 1 pcs